Afterwards we headed for Home Depot to buy the paint for the baby's room. That is the next project that is looming around the corner. The rest of the morning was spent in the beautiful fall sunshine! Just before lunch, Liesel received a phone call from Nathan's preschool teacher who was contacting all the parents to inform them of their child's progress. Nathan's report was excellent, with the teacher very impressed at Nathan in all areas of the preschool experience. We are incredibly proud of our little prodigy!!!
This weekend, a family friend of ours, Jacques, came over to spend the night on Saturday! He is in Cleveland for a month on a residency at the Cleveland Clinic. Nathan and I drove to the train station to pick him up at 5pm, then picked up Liesel at the house and headed for our favorite fast food outlet, Moe's South-western Grill (Mexican). We followed this up with a sunset drive along Lake Erie, which offered up spectacular views of the city of Cleveland as it reflected the retiring sun in its thousands of windows. Later that evening, after Nath was in bed, I got a rare opportunity to enjoy some of my prerecorded Office episodes with a fellow Office fan (Jacques)! What a great way to bring a day to close by watching a couple of hours of my favorite sitcom!
Sunday morning was another beautiful one. We went to church with Jacques, and saw that this week was the start of our church's Missions Month. There were numerous flags decorating the stage. After a quick scan of the flags, my eyes fell upon the South African flag. Unfortunately, it was the old South African flag (orange, white and blue). Oops.... obviously the average American would not even know the difference. However, after the service, I did mention this to the lady who had put out the flags, and she told me that I could remove it, and save the church from possible embarrassment.......
The rest of the day included some Wii play, a delicious lunch, weekly catch-up chats with our families in South Africa, and dropping Jacques off at the train station.
Here is a photo of Liesel at 29 weeks and one from Jacques of Nath and myself at Huntington Beach at sunset!

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