This weekend, we managed to complete our work on our mini-project! The final paint touch ups on the walls, the assembly of a new headboard, the installation of the new curtain rail and curtain tie backs, means that the guest bedroom is 100% complete! On Saturday, we picked up the headboard from a local shop and it took me the remainder of the morning to put it together. However, the finished product is exquisite, even if I do say so myself!
The other milestone that morning belongs to Nathan. We purchased a new booster seat for Nathan - as he was outgrowing his car seat pretty quickly. We knew that he was happy with his new seat when he told us, "This is awesome!" He is loving the added independence that comes with his seat, as he now buckles himself in and unbuckles it when it's time to get out! It won't be soon now when he is driving himself.... sigh!
On Saturday afternoon, Liesel made our local fire station some chocolate chip cookies, and Nathan and I delivered it to the fire station. The firemen were very appreciative and took us on an impromptu tour of the fire station. Nathan loved every second spent in the fire station and listened carefully to every word the fireman spoke!
On Sunday, the McCarthy clan headed to church like usual. We had a good service and some excellent worship and soon headed back home for a more relaxed afternoon. It was good to speak to family as well, especially having my mom being able to hold a conversation with Nathan for the first time in a long time. She commented "Nathan is speaking with quite an American accent!". Hmmmmmm - could that be because he is being raised in the USA????
Now that these milestone's are behind us, the next challenges lurking around are waiting to be tackled. The next mini-project is to do the baby's room and turn the chaos in the photo below into a tranquil haven that a baby (and it's mother) will love!!!
P.S. The top and bottom photos were taken by Nathan!! Photography seems to be another talent of his!
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