Yet another weekend, where at the end of it, my reserves of energy have again been depleted! Friday marked the day that Nathan turned four - and it was full throttle from that morning through the rest of the weekend.
Liesel and Nathan headed to a local farm on Friday morning. The local MOPs group had arranged an apple picking morning and hay-ride! Afterwards it was back to our house for Nathan to continue opening and playing with his presents! It was around 4:30pm when I got home - and when Nathan could open his remaining gifts! His smile didn't leave his face for hours! He loved all his presents - especially his very own digital camera! This gadget has accompanied us on all our excursions this weekend!
For dinner that night - we went to Nathan's favorite restaurant, Moe's! Of course the camera came with :)
On Saturday morning, after a few morning chores, we drove out to Cleveland's Little Italy - where Jacques was treating us to a lunch at a renowned bakery. The food at Presti's bakery was fantastic! After my Ravioli, I had, arguably the best dessert that I have had in my 30 months of US residency! It was a miniature Chocolate Mousse cake - filled with decadent and delicious mousse! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Jacques had a Chocolate Cappuccino Brownie which came in at a close second!
Later that afternoon - we decided to go for a walk around our neighborhood with Nathan on his bicycle! We were amazed at how Nathan hopped on his bike and flew down the sidewalk with us increasing our pace to keep him within eyesight! After the kilometer long walk - Nathan was all ready for a second round, unfortunately the adults weren't and we headed inside for the rest of the evening!
Sunday morning had the boys heading to church - while Liesel stayed at home and rested. Lieesl has been feeling under the weather for the past few days as she has been trying to elude a head cold that seems to have set up a base camp in her sinuses! Even with her head feeling like a pressure cooker, she prepared an awesome roast for lunch! After lunch Jacques and I headed upward as we replaced some damaged shingles on the roof. This was not fun as the steep angles of the roof make it very uncomfortable! But we were successful (or so we believe) and by the time we made it to terra firma again, Nathan was ready for another bike ride. So Jacques and I obliged and made another round of the neighborhood before dinner time.
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