North-east Ohio was blessed with the perfect weather this weekend, which was the when Nathan's birthday celebrations took place! Shortly after waking up on Saturday morning, it was all hands on deck, as last minute preparations for the party took priority. Jacques and I hit the shops for an early morning supply run. Fortunately for us, Costco had all the good food to get us through the party!
At 10:30am, Nathan's friends arrived for the Fire-fighter themed birthday party. As the official entertainment organizer, I gathered the 6 boys and kicked off the fire-fighter inspired games! One of the games was a variation of the classic "Pin the tail on the donkey". Each child had a pipe-cleaner and once blindfolded, attempted to push it into my Styrofoam fire-engine that I had made a few days earlier!
Next was my fire-fighter obstacle course. Each apprentice fireman had to climb up a ladder into Nathan's "fort". From there, they slid down the slide and put on a Fire Fighter jacket, a pair of boots and a fire fighter helmet. Once clothed in the kit, they had to crawl through a tunnel and run to me, where I handed them a hose. Their final objective was to knock over (aka extinguish) some containers that I spray-painted red, This was a far safer alternative than setting some gasoline alight for the 3 and 4 year olds to extinguish. I think the parents appreciated that! The final game I had put the boys into 2 teams. Their objective was to carry a bucket of water over to their partner - who in turn, ran with it to the one side of the garden and emptied it into a big bucket. Then they would have to return to me to refill the bucket, so they could hand it off to their partner. And so it continued until they collapsed from exhaustion..... KIDDING!!! They did it for about 4 complete rotations! Right after that game, it was time to hand the children a baseball bat so that could beat the living foam out of the unsuspecting fire engine pinata! It didn't take long for the kids to break through the flimsy cardboard exoskeleton, and reveal the hidden candy treasures!
At the end of the games, it was time for the pizza lunch which went down very well with both children and parents! Finally it was time to bring out the cake! Liesel baked the caked and iced it, while I put on all the finishing touches such as the ladders, windows, lights and nozzle! And it tasted pretty darn good too! Everyone seemed to enjoy the party and Nathan has been asking for another party on Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday, and......... We take that as a compliment :)
After the excitement of the morning, Jacques and I took Nathan to a local playground, where Nathan rode around on his bicycle for a while, before climbing on the slides and other playground equipment. It was a beautiful day - with no clouds, no wind, with the trees slowly relinquishing their summery green leaves. The yellow, orange and red colors are becoming more and more predominant, making the landscape look like a beautiful watercolor painting!. So we were making the most of the Indian summer that we are experiencing - before the icy northern air invades Ohio again!
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