Well - the weekend has come and gone! On the bright side (literally) the sun came out and the rain stopped. We decided to explore our neighborhood. On Saturday morning we drove around looking for parks and playgrounds for Nathan. We also went to fill up with gas. There is a grocery store in the area that gives you 10c per gallon off (=17c per liter in SA) for every $50 that you spend on groceries. We spent over a $100 on groceries, so that qualified us for 20c per gallon discount! This means that when the price of gas for normal people is $2.79 per gallon (R4.75 per liter), we pay $2.59 per gallon (R4.41 per liter). So as you see that is a very good incentive! once we had a full tank, we carried on exploring and we found a World Market store. This store sells products from different countries including South Africa. We walked out of there with a bottle of Mrs Ball's Chutney ($6) and an Aero!!!!! The chutney was put away for special occasions but Nathan and I loved the Aero!
In the afternoon, Nathan and I went looking for a park close to us and we found one just down the road. It wasn't as nice as other's but it had swings and slides - which is Nathan's staple playground diet. Much to my surprise, Nathan had more fun with me on a beach volleyball court running after a ball! This may just be the start of something..........
After the playground, we took a drive along the lake front! It really is beautiful and the houses are incredible!!
On Sunday we tried our first church here - about 8 mins from our place.

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