When I talk about a lake, you need to take the image of Florida Lake and toss it out of your head. To put it into perspective..... Florida Lake has approximately 4km of shore line (or that's what they told me when I participated in big walks around it at primary school!) Lake Norman has 880km of shoreline!!!!! But you probably knew that because everything in the USA is bigger and better ;-)
We drove out to Lake Norman on Thursday and spent the weekend with friends who live on the lake front! It is such a beautiful place - especially since it is now spring here and all the flowers are blooming and trees are blossoming.
Nathan thought he was in heaven, as they had ceiling fans in their house (Wah-wahs) and swings in their front garden! Carl Martin (who we stayed with) took us out onto the lake in his boat a couple of times, which was fantastic! Even Nathan, after some initial hesitation, was sitting on Carl's lap and steering the boat! He thought this was the best - that he could steer the "car". His "uncle Carl" also caught a fish for him that he could touch and feel! Now you know why at the end of the weekend he had added the new word "Carl" to his vocabulary!
We really had a lovely time there, renew friendships and meeting new people! We will definitely being going back for some more visits, if Nathan has his way ;-)
Today (Monday) I woke up at 4am and headed to the airport at 5am for my 6:45am flight to Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland is a beautiful city, situated on the bank of Lake Erie (yes, another lake!) This is the largest fresh water lake in North America!!! Yes, its even bigger than Lake Norman! It was quite an awesome sight to see it from the air, yet not be able to see the other side of the lake, where Canada is!
When I landed I was picked up at the airport and taken downtown for my interview at Key Bank. I felt that the interview went off pretty well, especially since the lead developer seems to be a very nice guy and the two of us had quite a bit in common. One great thing about working for this bank is that you get 30 days of paid leave a year! That's more than I had in SA, and a LOT more than what most companies here in the USA offer (they normally give 10 days leave!!!) The cost of living here is also somewhat lower than Raleigh, and I would be working in the suburbs, which makes it even more appealing. I should hear tomorrow morning (when you are reading this) whether or not they will extend an offer to me. We are praying that if God wants us to move to Ohio, He will open all the doors for us, so that we know without a shadow of a doubt that this is what he wants for us.
I also have a phone interview on Wednesday for a bank in Charlotte, NC. I am speaking to someone about a job in Wilmington (on the coast of NC) and another one in Cincinatti, OH! That's all our news for now.
Please leave comments!!!!! I love hearing from y'all!
Hi Grant
Wonderful news - you write well and make the stories interesting. Please don't accept the first offer you get, just wait for the "gut" feel.
Luv u
It's great to be able to see things are happening.
Remember Prov 3:5&6? it's so simple yet we find it so difficult.
You have been a great example to me of trusting and doing.
I will continue to pray for you guys for wisdom and emotional strength.Janine and I remember you all often and pray for you.
God bless
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