Lease: On Friday, I got a phone call saying that I have been approved for a lease on a brand new Honda CR-V 4x4! This was fantastic news since I start work on Tuesday and without it, Liesel would be stuck indoors all day - which is not recommended with a 19 month old boy!! I signed all the paper work and drove home in my all-new Honda CR-V. It is great car, that looks good and has lots of pep in its 2.4 liter 4-cylinder engine. The reason I chose this particular vehicle is that it has ABS Brakes, traction and stability control, which all play a huge role in helping you drive in icy or snowy conditions. Obviously, being a South African boytjie, I need all the help I can get.
License: Liesel went to do the written portion of her Ohio driver's license on Saturday morning. She kept up the family tradition and passed with 100%! That's my girl!!!! Next week she will be doing the driving part of the test in my CR-V, since its quite a bit smaller than the Buick. As part of the test, you have to reverse through a set of cones, and it really helps having a smaller car to do that in. We watched some teenagers attempt that part of the test, and they knocked the cones over which means an immediate fail!!!
Lake: After going to a new Church on Sunday, I took Nathan and we went down to the beach. It was 30C here today with no wind or clouds. The lake was very calm and the beach was populated by locals lapping up the glorious weather. Nath played at the waters edge and laughed at the people brave (stupid?) enough to venture into the 13C water for a swim!
Lighthouse: This afternoon we took a drive to Lorain (a town) to see its landmark lighthouse. The lighthouse itself was pretty impressive, but the rest of the town is not worth writing about!
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