One thing that really irritates me, is that we are supposed to be in Spring, but South Africa's autumn weather is warmer than here! But I guess it's one of the things I will have to accept! Can't wait for winter!!! ;-) Because of the weather, we didn't do much exploring today and we wanted to keep Nathan indoors as he seems to have a slight cough. We did however, go to a Toys R Us to buy Nathan some much deserved toys. We really felt sorry for the little guy that he had to play with his small selection of toys day in and day out. Well, now he has a few more things that should keep him happy! Although, we will only give him one toy at a time, and only when he is completely bored with his other ones..... but don't tell him that! I also looked at some new cars today, as when I start working, Liesel and I will need separate cars. My only downside is that because I have only been in the USA for 7 weeks, I have no credit history/record established, so the companies don't want to give me any special rates or discounts that they advertised on television. They rates are fantastic...... if you qualify! For example, I could drive a Honda S2000 sportscar for only $249 per month! Or the Honda CR-V for $149 per month, and they throw in a free Ipod for any car you get from them! Now if there are any Americans out there who are willing to co-sign me........ I will be forever indebted to you ;-)

PS: The photos that you see here were taken yesterday, when the sun was shining!

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