So this is the first ever blog of mine that was typed up on an Apple! As you can see, it is a beautiful piece of equipment and very capable to handle anything that I give it! It has such a neat interface and some of it's features take a while to get used to, but overall, I am very impressed with our new baby :)
Enough about the aluminum artwork already (for the moment)!
The McCarthy family had a great weekend, which started on Friday when we had some good friends of ours over for dinner. The Astifan's are moving down to Cincinnati soon, so we were trying to spend as much quality time with them and their boys (for Nathan) before they head south. We had some great fellowship and the boys always love playing together. There is normally a few tears shed when the boys have to part ways, and Friday night was no exception!
On Saturday morning - we bundled our boys into the car and headed to the Post Office. This time, they were open and we managed to successfully submit Josh's application for his US Passport. The lady behind the counter, almost apologetically, informed us that his passport would take anywhere between 4 - 6 weeks! We almost burst out laughing, because to renew Nathan's South African passport, we were informed that it would take 6 months to process! Speaking of Nathan's passport, our next stop was the local Police Station, as we had to have an officer verify Nathan's identity for the passport application. This didn't take too long, except that the police had never before verified someone's identity for a foreign passport before! So after a brief explanation, we got what we needed from them and then jumped back into the car and headed home! The temperature outside was 10F/-12C and the windchill made it feel even colder - so we were very happy to return to the warmth of our house! That evening, I gave Nathan a haircut before the boys bathed. Once Joshua had been put to bed, and Nathan was in his pajamas, Liesel chose to play board games for Family Fun Night, which is always a lot of fun. It's a good thing we don't ever play for money, because I have yet to win any game during these FFNs!
On Sunday morning, we went to church and enjoyed some great worship. Later that afternoon, we went for our first drive past Lake Erie this winter. With the temperatures again hovering around 14F/-10C, we were greeted by some impressive ice formations where the water used to be. Not all of the Lake is frozen over yet, but I expect the rest to freeze over soon (considering Winter does not start easing her grip on North East Ohio until late March!)
After taking a few photos (with Liesel & Josh refusing to leave the warmth of the car), Nathan and I climbed back in and all of us headed home to a delicious dinner! We decided to let Josh attempt to feed himself and gave him a bowl of apple sauce and a spoon. See the results in the photo below.... (Note the apple sauce on the window to the right!)
Liesel prepared a pot-roast that was so tender and juicy. Then for dessert, she served a Hot Chocolate Pudding straight from the oven! What a great way to end the weekend!

Nath is showing off his new haircut, and Josh is proudly sitting up by the fireplace, one of the many things he can now climb up!
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