On Thursday, while chatting to a friend in South Africa on Facebook, my computer decided to issue me with the notorious Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). If you are fortunate enough, you can recover from the BSOD, but fortune was not on my side this time! It appears my hard drive has crashed. So, right now I have a Rescue Disk trying to salvage what it can from the corrupted disk. It has been running continuously for 27 hours and is only 50% complete! The joys of Windows.........
On the brighter side, I can now justifiably replace the sorry HP laptop with the system of my dreams, the Apple iMac :) Liesel and I both agreed that the replacement should be a quality system that will last for many years. So, the iMac has been ordered and expected to arrive this week! Next week's blog will be the first ever from an Apple!
As for this weekend, it was again uneventful. A few plans had been made during the week, but none of them panned out. Firstly, we had set aside Saturday morning to go and apply for Josh's US Passport at our local post office. Minor's have to apply in person with both parents, and so we turned up at the post office, only to find a notice attached to the door that informed us that they were closed for the day! Secondly, with the milder weather we had been having, I was hoping to finally take down the Christmas lights. But I wasn't able to find the sixty odd minutes to do that, as other chores demanded my time. Thirdly, Liesel and I had planned a quiet evening out at a restaurant on Sunday, when the babysitter called and had to cancel :(
However, we still had a great Saturday evening, when we went out to the local Mexican restaurant for Family Fun Night. The boys were so well behaved, and the food, as always, delicious! On Sunday morning, I was playing in the worship team at Church. The worship set was really meaningful, and the team played played masterfully, bringing glory to God!
While at church, the steady rainfall started falling outside. Coupled with the warmer temperatures we have been experiencing of late, all of the snow has finally succumbed, revealing green grass again. However, winter has not yet released its grip on North East Ohio, as this week the temperatures plummet to below freezing again with some fresh snow expected! At least Nathan was excited by this, as it means there is possibly some more sledding for him in the not to distant future!
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