Secondly, I need to apologize for the late blog (not the best way to start off the first blog of a new decade!) It just so happened that I was watching, and enjoying the Lord of the Rings on TV last night. Those of you who have seen any of the trilogy before, know that these epic movies do tend to be quite a bit longer than average! So at around midnight, my eyes were heavy, and I headed off to bed, completely forgetting about the blog!
Well the good news is, here is the blog, albeit 12 hours later! (Thanks for the emails about the blog mom and Brian!)
It's been a good week, and also my last week at home, since I started work again today. On Thursday afternoon, Liesel and I arranged a babysitter for the boys and we went to go and watch the latest Hugh Grant movie, Did You Hear About the Morgans. It was enjoyable, and Hugh Grant rarely lets us down. Afterward, we headed home to relieve the babysitter and head into crazy hour, which involves feeding and bathing the boys, reading books, brushing teeth and finally putting them to bed for the las time that decade! Liesel headed to bed after a game of Scrabble with me and I stayed up to watch the New Year in along with millions of people in Times Square. At least I could do it from the warmth and comfort of my living room :)
Friday was a stay at home day, since most stores were closed. We had a lot of fun playing tennis in the basement with the high density foam tennis balls! Later on, Liesel served up a delicious Roast Lamb with yoghurt and mint sauce for New Year's Dinner. For dessert, we had delectable Creme Brulee! It was simply the best meal I had enjoyed this decade!!! She set a very high standard for the rest of our meals this year :) That evening, my choice for Family Fun Night was to play the new games on the Wii Fit Plus. Nothing like working up a sweat on the obstacle course, jumping over logs and dodging huge balls, before bedtime!
On Saturday, Liesel headed to the stores to take advantage of some early bird sales, while I played with the boys. Then later it was my turn to head out. When I came home later, I shoveled the driveway, and Natha joined me outside and attacked me with snowballs and played in the snow in his new snowsuit! This season, since the acquistion of the waterproof suit and mittens, he has loved being outdoors! And since it hasn't really stopped snowing since December 27th, he is in his elelment. His favorite thing to do is to slide down the slide of his play set, when it is covered in about 7 - 10 cm (3 - 4 inches) of snow!
On Sunday, an Arctic chill had settled into the area, but we headed to church anyway in the 10F (-12C) weather. Church was refreshing, and then we came home for lunch and play time, and nap time for some. I had the chnace to put my feet up and read some of the book that Liesel had given me for Christmas! It was a good last day of vacation for me. That evening, we were blessed with a beautiful sunset - a fitting end to a great time off!
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