This weekend marked the start of something good for the family. We kicked-off our family block walk - where we walk the 1km long sidewalk around our neighborhood. Well, Liesel walks, and I push Nathan in his little red car at varying speeds. The intent was to go at walking pace so that Liesel and I could converse, however Nathan has developed an insatiable appetite for speed. So the majority of the leisurely walk is filled with requests such as "Dad, I want to go fast!" So, being one who does not want to let his offspring down, I head off at a jog, pushing Nathan as I go. Then I remember the objective of the walk was to be able to chat with my wife, so we double back and head back to Liesel. And this is when the little speed freak starts nagging his father again....
So the family block walk is turning out to be quite a workout for yours truly, but I don't really mind because
a) I know this weather will not be as pleasant as it is now - so we need to take advantage.
b) I seriously need a semi-regular workout as currently my only major means of burning calories is my Monday night volleyball games which come to an end tomorrow.
This weekend was a pretty average one. Liesel headed off to a kids sale early on Saturday. She has an incredible eye for good deals and managed to get us and the baby a Graco Stroller System complete with baby carrier that locks onto a base that you attach to the car's seat. She also bought Nathan a child's BMX with training wheels that he absolutely loves. He is currently in the process of understanding the mechanics of a bicycle! Later that morning we went out a got a queen bed for our guest room. With two bedrooms standing empty for over a year now - it's starting to get a more homely feel, now that we have a nursery and a guest room! So we have a comfortable room for all our visitors from South Africa and here in the USA! We no longer need to pitch a tent outside for you :P So start packing your bags!!!!!
Our Sunday was much quieter! We made an appearance at our church in the morning and then returned home. Nathan suggested we go for another walk around the block, and we were happy to. I got another good workout returning red faced and dripping with perspiration since our humidity levels are in the high 90's! After that we retreated to the comfort of our home. Later on, Liesel had to go to the church again as she had a MOPS event there. Nathan and I spent some time outside - and I decided it was a good time to mow the front lawn. I was very well aware that the remnants of Hurricane Ike were due over Cleveland later that day. As the forecaster's predicted we got our fair share of gale force winds that literally shake the house! These winds - as strong as they were, were only a fraction of what was experienced in Texas 48 hours earlier! It makes me grateful for the relatively stable weather systems that Cleveland has. Now that the winds have subsided, I can head for bed and brace myself for another week of work!
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