Thursday, June 01, 2006

A just another day in Cleveland

Today was what I assume will become an average day for me. I was at work by 7:30am. I become rather isolated at work as their corporate policies don't allow us to access any web mail (like my Yahoo account), MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, Skype or anything that could be counter-productive. So I sit there pretty bored, because I have not become involved in any projects yet. I listen to Cleveland's Christian radio station called The Fish, over the internet (one of the very few things that is allowed!!!) Have a look at their website or listen to their music, its really good. Click on the link on the right of the page.

As for Liesel, it seems that the medicine has started taking effect. Praise God! Her ear is still sore, but not nearly as bad as the previous couple of days. I am sure she should be fully recovered by Saturday morning. Thank you for your prayers, but please continue to pray for her for a full recovery.

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