On Friday evening, when I walked into the house after work, it was announced that Nathan had decided that he wanted to go to his favorite restaurant, Max & Erma's, for dinner, for his family fun night. So five minutes later, everyone was bundled into the car and headed for the restaurant. The reason Nathan loves this restaurant so much, is not because of the food, but because his favorite female (other than his mom) works there. This is where his babysitter works, and he just loves her. Luckily for us, the food is good too, so we had an enjoyable evening!
On Saturday morning, Liesel and Nathan went shopping together, leaving Josh and me at home. Josh and I enjoyed the time together, as did Nath and his mom! When they returned we had lunch, and I then headed over to my ex-manager's house to borrow his pressure washer. It was good to do some catching up with my former boss, but I knew I had a lot of hard work in store for me. When I got home, I hooked up the pressure washer and started removing the old paint from the side porch railing! This was a project that I started last year, but due to lack of interest, it was put on hold.... With summer soon making an exit, the project was resurrected, and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing.. I mean, working with the washer and getting as much of the old paint off the rails as possible. I came inside for dinner, and then the started putting the ball in motion to get the two boys bathed and into bed. After Nathan was put to bed, Liesel and I did some much needed admin, and sorted out our medical insurance bills! Liesel then retired and I headed for my favorite couch to vegetate. After 45 minutes I heard some voices upstairs, so I went to investigate. There, lying on my side of the bed, was Nathan, in deep conversation with Liesel! It was very cute to see, but since 10pm was fast approaching, I escorted Nathan back to his bed and soon there was quiet in the house!
On Sunday, Liesel had to teach a Sunday School house, so she left for Church just after 9am. It was up to me to manage the boys, and get them ready for Church - which all worked out perfectly, and we drove into the church parking in time for the second service. Afterwards, we came home and Liesel and Josh went for their afternoon naps, and I succumbed to the peer pressure and dozed off on the couch in the playroom, while Nathan quietly watched some videos. At 3pm, we headed to my one colleague's house for a cookout with the guys that work out of our office (3 of us). Nathan had a great time playing Wii with the Steve's two sons. Steve, Tom and myself entertained ourselves outside with the game of cornhole (no - it is not slang for a body part!) This is actually a really fun game (also known as bean-bag toss - see the link) where the object is to throw a beanbag into a hole cut out of a wooden board, placed about 20 yards apart. Steve and I were in a team against Tom and his 15 year old son! Tom was not amused when we beat him in the first game, and knew that it would be mentioned in this blog (since Tom reads this blog!) So after a delicious dinner of hamburgers grilled by Steve, we were challenged to a rematch - so that Tom could salvage whatever was left of his reputation :P Feeling sorry for him, I let Tom beat us so that we could say that the competition was all square after the second game ;) (Ok - so I didn't let him beat me... he beat us fair and square!)
Tom and his girlfriend playing cornhole/Tom and Steve battling it out!
Josh and Steve having a conversation
But it was a fun afternoon, and everyone seemed to enjoy it and was a great way to close out the weekend!
Next weekend, I will be blogging from a secret location, as I am taking Liesel and the boys away for a mini-vacation to celebrate her birthday! They do not have a clue where I am taking them, as I want it to be a surprise for all of them! Stay tuned to see where we go next week...................
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