This weekend was a weekend with many special memories made! It was our guest of honor's turn to decide what to do for our weekly Family Fun night. Gabi wanted to have a picnic at Lake Erie. So after I got home from work, the food was already prepared and we jumped into the cars and headed to the beach! After a tasty dinner, Nathan, Gabi and myself went down to the water, while Liesel took Josh home and got him ready for bed. Nathan and I ventured into the lake's warm waters while Gabi watched and took some photos. Nathan loved "catching" the waves. Eventually we headed back home around 7:30pm for a bath to cleanse ourselves :P
On Saturday, I offered to keep the boys occupied giving Liesel and Gabi the freedom to shop at leisure. When they returned, Gabi surprised us with a beautiful gift for the house, an elegant work desk that we could use in the playroom that is adjacent to our kitchen. Ever since we moved into the house, Liesel's and my laptop have occupied the valuable real estate on the kitchen counter, often leaving little room for her tasty creations! With the new desk, we have migrated Liesel's laptop and a number of other computer-related items from the counter to the desk, freeing up a chunk of space on the counter! What a difference.
It was then time for a first for the McCarthy family, a cruise on Lake Erie. We headed downtown and climbed aboard the GoodTime III ship that took us up the Cuyahoga River, and then out onto Lake Erie for a thoroughly enjoyable experience! We got some magnificent views of Cleveland, and the weather was perfect for it! In fact, it was so hot, that Liesel and myself left our premium seats on the upper deck and took Josh to sit inside where it was a bit cooler! Two hours later, our feet were on terra firma once again.
This Sunday - probably the highlight of my weekend - Gabi gave us strict instructions to not leave our bedroom in the morning. She and Nathan had made us a delicious breakfast and served it to us in bed at 8:30am! It was wonderful, I had a chocolate yogurt and a chocolate croissant - with a glass of orange juice, and Liesel had a yogurt and croissants with jam and cheese, and a mug of fresh coffee! That was very special! We soon polished off breakfast and got ready for Church. I really enjoyed our service today, especially the original song that Elisa Whiteman played during the offering. This coming weekend is our church's Songwriters Showcase, where people perform some original pieces that they composed. This year I will be entering my first ever song, and am really looking forward to how it will sound! Stay tuned for next week's blog to find out :) { I guess I need to start practicing!!!! }
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