Something else significant this week, was that we had our warmest day in 146 days! The mercury actually surpassed the 23C/73F mark! I even drove home with my air conditioning on! But we are still living in Cleveland, and snow has clawed its way back into our forecast! A winter storm is expected within the next 48 hours with some accumulations possible!
The effects of this imminent cold front were felt on Saturday by Nathan and myself. We had gone to our town's Easter Egg hunt, where 15 000 plastic eggs were scattered around a field. So it wasn't so much a hunt..... rather a free for all! The field was surrounded by hundreds of children, most being restrained by their parents as they eagerly awaited the signal to scavenge! After the signal, children of all ages flooded into the field and the eggs disappeared into packets and baskets. Nathan did have some success and managed to lay his hands onto ten eggs! These little eggs each contained some candy and a tiny figurine. Seems like a pathetic reward for our patience in the freezing wind, but Nathan enjoyed himself and that's all that matters!
Later that afternoon, Nathan helped me cleaning out the interior of my car, as I am having it inspected on Monday, by a lease end inspector. My 3 year lease of my CR-V is almost up and Honda need to ensure that I looked after their vehicle satisfactorily! If he gives it a thumbs up, I think I will be getting a new car shortly! That will be one of the few big changes occurring in the next few weeks! Keep watching this space for updates!
Family Fun night was at it's usual time on Saturday evening, and we rented Disney's Bolt. Liesel and I had a few reservations about the story, as there we a number of scary scenes, yet Nathan seemed oblivious to them and actually loved the movie. He was pretty upset that we had to return the movie the following day!
On Palm Sunday, we were blessed with blue skies and mild temperatures. But my favorite part of the day was definitely the worship at Church! I was part of the band, but this week we had a special guest playing the flute. He was the Jimi Hendrix of the flute world! His lead pieces were so pure, melodic and crisp!It was an absolute privilege to have played with him! After Church, and lunch, I took Nathan with me to get my CR-V washed, and then we stopped at a playground on the way home and had some good old fashioned fun in the sun. After we got home, Nathan donned his helmet and mounted his bicycle. Josh had his hat on and was placed in the stroller, and the McCarthy family went for a very enjoyable walk around our neighborhood! The trees all have buds just waiting to burst open in color, but hopefully the upcoming snow showers will not delay their blossoming!
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