My start to the weekend, was when I pulled into our driveway after work on Friday and saw this written in chalk for me! God has really blessed me with such a loving and caring son!!!
Liesel was the first up on Saturday, so that she could be at a local high school at 7:00am for a Kiddies Resale. She came back with clothes and 2 items that made her Nathan's best friend for a long time. She found a toy garbage truck and a tow truck for Nathan, and these became Nathan's main form of entertainment for the entire weekend! Later that morning, since the sun was shining, we packed Nathan's bicycle and Josh's stroller into the trunk of our car and drove to our favorite recreation center! The sunshine was slightly deceiving, because we felt a definite bite in the air as our casual stroll around the grounds turned into a brisk walk. It was lovely to be outside and a bonus to get this unexpected workout. After the walk, Nathan headed for the playgrounds and after about 16 minutes we headed back home, where we discovered that the actual temperature outside was around 2C/35F!!!
That afternoon, I decided I needed to burn a few hundred more calories and went for another run around our neighborhood. This time I managed two laps. My goal is eventually to make 5 laps (5km/3 miles), but at my level of enthusiasm for running, don't expect to read about that until 2010!
That evening was our weekly family fun night, and Nathan chose to play board games! If he were in Vegas, he would be a millionaire with the luck that he had on Saturday night! We all had a fun time playing UNO, junior SCRABBLE and ICE-CREAM (game, not dessert)!
The next day, Liesel and I had a rare opportunity to go on a date, as we arranged a babysitter for the boys. We drove to Crocker Park to watch the movie "Duplicity". This was a very complicated spy vs spy movie, which only unraveled the plot right at the end. Wasn't as entertaining as we hoped for, but we did at least get to spend some time alone, and that was our goal!
Another highlight for the whole family, was to be able to talk to AND see most of our immediate family via webcams over Skype! This is why I love technology, as now Nathan's and Josh's grandparent's, aunts, uncles, and cousins can watch them grow up. A video call is also so much more emotionally satisfying, and it seems to make the distance between the two continents much less as we catch up with one other, face to face!
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