Sunday, March 27, 2011

What weekends are all about...

After a crazy March, with my work load increasing exponentially and deadlines demanding to be met - I really needed a stress-free weekend to recover. Thankfully, this weekend is exactly what I had hoped for. We kicked off our weekend on Friday evening, when Liesel and I watched a pretty decent DVD, Morning Glory. On Saturday morning, Liesel headed off to the gym and the shops, while I spent some quality time with the boys at home. Nathan is currently going showing a lot of interest in the Space Shuttle, so I decided to convert his Lego passenger plane into a space shuttle. Later that afternoon, I took Nathan to the library's Brick Builder Club where he used his imagination to create some other Lego creations.

We had friends over for dinner on Saturday evening which everyone enjoyed!
On Sunday, in keeping with the weekend's rule of "no rushing", we headed to our church's second service. The rest of the day was just as laid back, taking everything at a leisurely pace. That evening, my friends had invited some of our former worship team to their house to play some music together. It was great to jam with my friends again, and a great way to wrap up the weekend! Now I am ready for Monday!

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