Sunday, March 25, 2012


The record-breaking high temperatures we've been having of late, seem to have come to an end. This weekend, the temperatures returned to their seasonal norms, which was perfect for what we had in store! On Saturday morning, the awesome foursome headed to a couple of stores. Liesel found exactly what she needed at the first store, while Nathan and Josh earned some prizes for shooting some basketball hoops! Win-win :) The next stop was Home Depot, where I bought our weekend project, a raised garden bed for our very own vegetable garden!
When we got home, Nathan and I started working on our project. We soon had our 16 square foot garden bed assembled. Since it looked a bit too small, we turned it into an 32 square foot bed. But wait! There's more! After some creative thinking, we managed to turn it into a 48 square foot bed! Once the bed was in place, Nathan and I had to go back to a garden store to buy the soil to fill the bed! We stacked around 800 pounds of bagged soil into the back of my Nissan and headed home to finish off the task. We ferried the bags of soil to back with the use of a wheelbarrow, with Nathan lending a helping hand moving the bags of soil that weighed 2/3 of his total body weight!
We cut up a weed cover and laid that at the base of the bed, then covered that with topsoil. Next, we got a healthy load of home-made compost and threw that in, followed by 400 pounds of fertilized garden soil! Nathan was a great assistant, and literally got his hands dirty! Here is a picture of the finished result.

On Sunday, we all were healthy enough to attend church. Afterward, Liesel and I rearranged Josh's bedroom, another thing off my honey-do list! Later that afternoon, I played some basketball and baseball with the boys, before being called inside for supper! By this time the sun had come out after being hidden since Friday morning, so we decided to go for a post-dinner bike ride around the neighborhood! A great way to wrap up a productive weekend!

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