As most of you have heard by now, the USA has experienced some severe weather recently. One day last week alone, more than 40 tornadoes were reported, which is a record for the most tornadoes in a day! Fortunately, there was no severe weather reported in northern Ohio, other than gale force winds.
This entire week was a roller-coaster of extreme weather! On Wednesday, the temperatures got up into the mid 60's (18C to 20C), which is unheard of in February! In fact, after dinner that night, we all went on a bike ride around the neighborhood! Usually in February, the ground is covered by two feet of snow (60cm) and even the maximum temperatures stay considerably below the freezing mark! Thursday was considerably coller, yet still above freezing, but Friday again reached the sixties, and although it was raining, it was pleasant! It was also the day that the wind picked up and it started howling! Strong gusts blew continuously for more than 24 hours as another cold front was ushered into the Cleveland area. As I type this blog, heavy snow is falling outside and we are expecting tomorrow's temperatures to be sub-freezing (even the maximum). But, strangely enough, after living here for a while, you get used to these crazy meteorological cycles and learn to take advantage of the good days!
Friday night was date night for Liesel and myself. We wanted to go to a restaurant, so we decided to try a new restaurant for the first time. Considering that this restaurant was situated in a three star hotel in Westlake, Liesel and I didn't think it could be that bad. As we walked in, we actually made a list of signs that indicated the place was not nearly as classy as what we had hoped for. Some of these signs included:
- An entire menu printed on one side of a single laminated page.
- A waitress that seemed to have come straight out of a 1960's style diner.
- The restaurant at any time had no more than 5 people, and that included the staff!
- The padded booth benches that had lost their padding.
- An advertisement for Pizza Hut Express on the table.
- The furnishings might have been better suited for the 1980's.
Nevertheless, the food was quite good, and Liesel and I had plenty of time to talk, laugh and find the lighter side of the restaurant that we will never venture into again!
On Saturday night, it was family fun night! Liesel had found that the Cleveland Aquarium was staying open later for their annual pass holders (which we happen to be!) So after the venue had shut its doors to the general public, we were allowed in and were free to explore the magical underwater world with a few other annual pass holders. Liesel, who had been there a few times before, said she had never seen it that quiet. It was awesome! No crowds, and plenty of space around the touch pools, made for a very enjoyable evening out with the family!

On Sunday morning, it was KidStuff at Church. This happens the first Sunday of every month, and parents are asked to join their children for a hour's production put on by the KidsStuff team. These are always so well done and well rehearsed! I love that one of our associate pastors always gets dressed up and plays one of the funnier characters and keeps the children entertained! After the production, we have the "family huddle" time, where parents sit with there children, read some bible verses together and then discuss what we saw and learnt during KidStuff that morning! These are some of my favorite times at Church!
Below is a photo of the Associate Pastor wearing a kilt for St Patrick's Day :)