On Saturday, Liesel and I made and decorated his Space Shuttle Birthday Cake! Liesel made the cake, I cut out the shape, then Liesel covered it in a thick, smooth layer of frosting, and then I added the finishing touches, such as windows, tail, writing "Nathan" and finishing the trim. Have a look at his cake below, and see what great teamwork can accomplish (even if I do say so myself):
That afternoon I took Nathan and a couple of his friends bowling, where they had oodles of fun bowling with ultra-violet lights, glow in the dark balls and laser shows!
After two games, we all headed back to our house to "ignite" the space shuttle, sing happy birthday, and play a new game on the Wii that one of Nathan's gave him! Nathan has since spent many, many hours playing this new game!
On Sunday afternoon, we had our close friends over for another "party" for Nathan. While Nathan and his friends ran around the house, Jim and I watched football and the two ladies chatted! It was a great time together. We enjoyed pizza, brownies and another pumpkin-flavored birthday cake! Once the football was over, and another happy birthday song dedicated to Nath, our friends headed home. Liesel and I decided it was time to bring out his remaining birthday presents. The reason we gave them to him the night before was that I am taking Nathan out for a pancake breakfast before school on Monday, so there won't be time to sit around opening presents once we wake up! And on Monday evening, he will be going out for dinner too! Four full days to celebrate one's birthday is really special, and we know Nath loved every minute! So Happy Birthday Nath! Mom and dad are so very proud of you and we look forward to many, many more birthday's together!
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