Apologies for the lack of recent blog posts, but we have just returned from an epic vacation in South Carolina with my mom! Liesel had booked us into a holiday house, that was literally 500 ft (150m) from the beach. It was also situated in Oceanside Village, which happens to be a golf cart community. So, waiting for us at the holiday house, was our very golf cart to use for the duration of our stay there! It seated 5 (3 facing forward, 2 backward). You have no idea how little electric vehicle made our vacation so much more enjoyable!! For example, in the morning, we would load beach chairs, an umbrella, boogie board, life vests, beach bag and more onto this cart, and then drive it out of the community, across the road and straight to reserved parking for golf carts, that is right up against the beach! So we would only have to carry these beach accessories for about 100ft (30m), from the golf cart parking to the perfect spot on the beach! After spending time in the waves, the sand and the sunshine - we would reload the golf cart and head back to the community, and head straight to the warm outdoor pool! Again, there is reserved golf cart parking right next to the pool gate! Once we had our fair share of fresh water, we would head back to the house for Lunch. The golf cart also transported us to the playground, the indoor pool, and the tennis courts! Life was so easy in Oceanside Village!
There were so many fun things that we did, that instead of boring you with pages of descriptions, I will list a few of our highlights.
- Feeding the ducks
- Extreme adventure golf
- Impromptu donut stops
- Helicopter rides!!!
- Boogie boarding
- Indoor swimming pool
- Free ice cream
- Eating fudge
- Fishing
- Sandcastles
Finally, take a look at the slide show below for a better idea of what we got up to over the last week!
hi i read your blog . Your blog posts is very good .
i got hooked with the free ice cream!
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