The signs of Christmas are all around! And no, I am not referring to the myriad of commercials selling the latest trendy gifts!
It all started on Thursday, when the first significant snowfall of the season arrived. Significant is a relative term, and in early December, it means that the ground was covered with a layer of snow. That snow has mostly melted, already - but it's the thought that counts. "Significant" in January or February would mean probably at least 1 foot (30cm) of snow......
The second sign of Christmas, was some unexpected gifts arriving at my front door. On Thursday, Google sent me the Logitech Revue, which is the easiest way to turn your regular TV into a Google TV! It's a small set-top box that connects to your cable box and to your TV, as well as the Internet. Now I am able to browse websites, update my Facebook status, tweet, and check email, all while lying on my couch watching TV! I love things that make me even lazier than before!
Another unexpected package arrived from South Africa. This package, sent from my mom, was filled with my favorite South African chocolate. These packages are loved by everyone in the family, as there is usually something for everyone! (But I do consume the bulk of it .....)
The third sign was the holiday lights at the Carlisle Reservation Metro Park. The McCarthy family bundled up warmly for the outing on Saturday night, because most of it was outdoors and the temperature was below freezing! The reservation had a number of different displays of Christmas lights, each done by a separate group (such as the Boy Scouts) or a business. These displays lined a relatively long pathway that wrapped around the reservation. After the chilly walk, we headed indoors for some very welcome hot chocolate. Once we had warmed up, we headed up a hill to board the reservation's train. This little train takes it's 20 odd passengers on another path in the reservation that is lit up with tunnels of light, and with various characters dressed in their full Christmas regalia lining the route. What made this even more special that the snow was coming down during our wait in line, and on our train ride, giving us the perfect setting for the festive season!
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