Saturday was another productive day for us. Liesel was up at 6am as she had offered to drop some good friends of ours at the airport at 7am. Unfortunately, the boys didn't take the opportunity to sleep in, and we were all awake at 6:20am, which in many religions is considered a sin....
Once Liesel got back and we were all dressed - we headed to a local home improvement store. Liesel wanted to buy some bulbs to plant before the Winter arrives, and I needed some stuff to patch a few holes in our walls that were left behind by Hurricane Joshua. Once home, I got down to the business of patching, sanding, and repainting, while Liesel cleaned the house.
That evening, Liesel and I were invited to our friends. They were hosting a house concert. Two members of a well known Christian band, the Choir, were performing "unplugged" in our friend's living room. Liesel couldn't join me, as our regular babysitter was unavailable, so I went solo. To be honest, I didn't really want to go, but now I am so glad I did. The concert was amazing, and these guys are so talented! The other attribute that I loved about the evening, is that these guys were so down to earth, talking to us about their music, and giving us insight to their lives. Also, we were able to speak to them one on one, around some delicious food and got to know them better. Their music was absolutely fantastic, especially that it was just an acoustic guitar and some drums, music in it's most basic form! I now know what I will be spending some of my iTunes gift cards on!

Then came Sunday, and we all theoretically got an extra hour's sleep since Daylight Savings Time came to an end and we all had to turn our clocks back one hour. Amazingly, we were all ready on time for Church, and we headed to the early service. That afternoon, Nathan and I watched TV while Liesel and Josh had some shut eye. Once they were up, Liesel and Nathan headed outside to plant the bulbs that we purchased the day before. Josh and I soon followed, although Josh refused to don any footwear and went running around outside barefoot, through puddles and mud in 50 degree (10C) weather. The sun was shining and it was a good time to be outside, although I would recommend wearing shoes.....
Soon it was time for Liesel to prepare dinner, so the boys and I stayed outside a bit longer while I tried my Leaf blower/vacuum on the thousands of leaves that are scattered all over the yard. Shortly thereafter, we were treated to a delicious beef stew. Great food for the Fall!
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