Moral of the story: Never cut your own hair when you feel irritated or rushed - AND ALWAYS CHECK THE ATTACHMENT!
I had the day off work on Friday as Liesel was scheduled to have surgery on her hand. During her pregnancy with Josh, she developed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in her right hand, and it never went away. She used to wake up in the middle of the night from the pain, and experience numbness for most of the day. After some nerve tests, it was concluded that the only way to relieve it would be to operate. It was a day procedure, and I took her to the hospital at 6am. At 10am I was called by the hospital and informed that I could go and pick her up, so the boys and I jumped into the car to bring mom home!
She seems to be recovering well, although it does get painful every so often. Her painkillers are particularly strong and in the beginning they brought on nausea and dizziness. It now helps for her to put her feet up after taking the pain medication.
As the only parent with two oppsoing thumbs that are in a working condition, I have taken over looking after the boys, and Josh in particular! Liesel isn't allowed to lift up anything heavier than 2lbs/1kg with her right hand - so that includes Josh. I have a new found respect for stay at home moms or single parents, as this weekend was by no means a walk in a park. Caring for a 7 month old, changing diapers, entertaining, and providing him with food and bottles is pretty taxing! Liesel helps out whereever she can with one hand - such as packing and unpacking the dishwasher, washing some dishes putting food on plates etc. So I think all single moms out there who do not have the support of another adult in the house, need a medal!
On Saturday, evening after putting the boys to bed and checking that my wife was comfortable, I retired to the living room, and opened up a pint of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (chocolate fudge brownie) and started catching up on the first season of one of my new favorite programs .. Lost!
On Sunday, Liesel talked me into going to church (I was initially against this as I could not wear a baseball cap to church.....), but she really needed to get out of the house, and the weather this weekend has been stunning! The rest of the day was quiet, being spent indoors, chatting to family back home and keeping the boys occupied. Liesel was able to watch Josh long enough for me to go upstairs and get a bit of shut eye - to recharge my batteries! This coming week, I will be working from home so that Liesel does not need to break the Doctor's orders, and I can move Josh around and feed him etc. Thankfully, Liesel's mom is flying in from Botswana on Thursday to relieve me of my Mr Mom duties! We are really looking forward to having her with us and letting her experience some of the beauty of the Ohio Summers!
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