On Saturday - Liesel and Nathan headed out to the shops to buy some more plants for her garden. When they returned, I fired up my trusty mower and headed into the yard to cut the grass - shirtless! This proved to be a big mistake - even after covering my face, neck and shoulders with sun tan lotion....
It probably wasn't the mowing itself that created the problem, but afterwards I started applying a stain on Nathan's jungle gym - and I think that is where my trouble began.
So as you can see, I got my first bit of color this season, and am paying for it dearly! As I type this blog, it feels like 20 00 hot needles are penetrating my back!
The rest of the day (and the weekend), I resolved to keep my shirt on!
However, before realizing the impending pain heading my way, Nathan and I had a lot of fun running over the garden sprinkler and then a very cool beach ball sprinkler that shoots water all over! It did take about 37 full lung inhalations to fill the ball! I really need to get an air compressor! After coming inside and changing into dry clothes, Liesel took Nathan and Josh to Toys R Us to find a toddler swing for him. Nathan was in total awe of their Lego collection, and has compiled an impressive wish list for his next 12 birthdays and Christmas! In the meantime, I headed off to Home Depot to buy a few supplies to help me complete the mini-projects I have for myself around our house!
On Sunday we headed to church for our weekly spiritual input. Afterward, I resolved to stay indoors and relax after Saturday's lesson. My indoor activities included reinforcing Nathan's Lego pirate ship, and building him a Lego garage. Liesel prepared a delicious roast for dinner, who we shared with our friends, Ron and Tammy. We had a lovely time chatting and sat outside to enjoy the stunning Ohio evenings!
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