On Saturday morning, Nathan's school invited all father's to come for an hour of fun! Nathan and I spent a wonderful 60 minutes at his school, seeing what he usually does, and participating in a crafts project. We were even treated to donuts and lemonade, followed by a couple of songs that the children had been rehearsing especially for their fathers!
Later that evening, Liesel introduced the "McCarthy Family Fun Night". Basically each weekend, one of us (Liesel, myself or Nathan) will be able to choose a fun activity to do after bathtime on a Friday or Saturday night. Since it was Liesel's idea, she could be the first to decide and she chose a family movie, Madagascar 2, for us to watch. It was a great movie, and Nathan thoroughly enjoyed it. He has spent most of the day singing the movie's them song, "I like to move it, MOVE IT!". I highly recommend this movie, and absolutely LOVE the penguins! This movie gets bonus points because most of it is "set" in Africa :)
The warmer weather continued through the weekend, and we went to church on Sunday, as usual. We headed home, and ate a delicious pork roast for lunch! After Joshua finished his lunch (not pork!), we took advantage of the above freezing temperatures, and went for a walk in the neighborhood! It was wonderful to be out in the open, breathing in the fresh air again! Nathan raced off on his bicycle and Liesel pushed Joshua in his stroller! I got to run after Nathan a few times and then race him home, so my heart got a much needed workout!
Below is a photo of how Josh is "dressed" for the outdoors :)
Latest photos of Joshua (sans the winter gear!)
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