It all started on Friday night, when I offered to get up in the night to give Josh his bottle, so that Liesel could enjoy a rare full night's sleep. Josh was very accommodating and had a 7.5 hour stint before waking up. So I got up at 5:30 to administer his formula. So I had about 5 hours sleep that night. On Saturday night, I set my alarm to wake up earlier, as I was playing in the worship team on Sunday. After about 4 hours of sleep, Nathan woke us up, as he had somehow picked up a stomach bug and started vomiting. Unfortunately, it came suddenly, and we had to change his sheets, pajamas, and even wipe down the wall next to his bed. So after this team effort, and a couple more unscheduled bathroom visits for Nathan, we invited him to our bed. Of course he slept like a log, leaving Liesel and myself conscious of every movement or stirring. Needless to say, I did not get any more sleep that night and headed off to Church at 7:45am with a grand total of 9 hours of sleep for the entire weekend...... I am happy to report that Nathan seems to have returned to his normal self, and that is more important to us than a good night's sleep!
The rest of the weekend was relatively routine. Liesel and Nathan headed back to the library while Josh and I looked after the house. I had a chance to put up our Christmas gift from the Schaefers. It was a stunning modern picture frame that holds five photos. Liesel picked out five favorite wedding photos and put them in place in the frame. I then mounted the frame on our bedroom wall above our bed! It makes a huge difference and adds character to our bedroom!
After supper, it was time for family fun night, and I chose to watch Toy Story 2! Nathan really loves these evenings and we enjoy spending some quality time as a family.
On Sunday, I played in the worship team and thoroughly enjoyed myself! I went alone as Liesel thought it was best to keep Nathan indoors, and not spread the bug to anyone else, much to Nathan's dismay. Nathan is the best patient a parent could ever wish to have. Throughout his illness, he was polite, and an eternal optimist. I pray that Josh grows up in Nathan's footsteps!
Liesel and I also got to speak to our families in Southern Africa thanks to the wonders of Skype. We always enjoy that, especially being able to show off the two boys to their proud grandparents!
Now I need to excuse myself to go and give Josh his late night bottle, and then reclaim some much needed sleep! Good night!