This week, we welcomed Liesel and Joshua back to our house! It was great to have access to little Josh 24 hours a day. I have changed my nightly retiring routine, to now include a check on Joshua, as well as Nathan! Also, the fact that Liesel is now heavily outnumbered by 3-1, so hopefully the males will have more say in the household in future {wishful thinking I know :)}
The week also included a lot of brotherly bonding as Nathan got to know younger brother better. He is still getting accustomed to the cries of Josh, and now has his ear muffs (used for the Cleveland Air Show) close by and dons them at the first sign of a cry!
We are also learning about Josh's little nuances. It is also reassuring watching him feed for slightly longer each time. The one week check-up at the pediatrician on Friday confirmed that he is growing well, and has already gained 7 ounces in just 3 days! He also seems to be settling into a routine nicely, only waking up once in the early hours for a feed! We are so blessed :)
As for the weekend, it was a very laid back affair. My manager and his wife who is 34 weeks pregnant with their first, paid us a visit on Friday evening. They also brought Nathan a Playmobil Fire Fighter helicopter that he absolutely loves! We also went out and bought some Christmas lights for our house and I put most of them up when the weather was above freezing and dry (the best you ask for in Cleveland at this time of year).
Then on Sunday, Liesel and Josh made their first public appearance at Church. People couldn't believe that Liesel was looking so well after being her emergency C-section! Of course, everyone loved Josh (newborns have that effect on people)! Josh's photos were also displayed on the big screens during the announcements, which was great to see!
So as you can see, the McCarthy's have so much to be thankful for, and are looking forward to another year full of God's blessing!
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