This Friday, after getting home from work, and checking the local weather radars, I asked Nathan if he wanted to sleep in his tent tonight. Obviously his answer was "YES!" So the two of us ventured outside after supper and pitched the tent that Craig gave him for his birthday. Then all that was left was to move the bedding into the tent. For Nathan, it was easy - just lifted his toddler mattress off his bed and placed it into the tent with a down duvet. My bedding comprised of (at first) 2 comforter. A third comforter was added. And of course, any tent that I occupy, needs the compulsory laptop connected to the Internet :)
We headed into our temporary shelter at around 8:30pm of Friday night - and read 3 books by flashlight. The moon was full - so we took a walk through the garden to admire night sky. Then it was time for Nathan to hit the bed! I entertained myself for a couple of hours watching some table tennis and volleyball that was streamed from before I fell asleep. In the early hours of the morning, I was awoken by the drop in temperature. I wasn't quite expecting such a dramatic change in temperature, but thankfully I had a number of comforters beneath me, which I quickly burrowed under. One comforter was enough to grant me a restful sleep for the remaining hours. At 6am the sky grew lighter and this was enough to tempt Nathan out of his slumber. Luckily - the house was open - so we could make an early morning dash into the lounge :-) Overall - we had fun at Camp Iwannapropamattress!
The adventure didn't end there. That afternoon the family headed to a local mini-golf course for a game of Putt Putt. As you are well aware - this is significantly different from the Wii Golf that we are Pro's at. Let's just say, we are not Pro's in the real thing!
But that said - we all had great fun before going to a restaurant for dinner. At the restaurant, some church friends of ours came in and sat at the table next to us! It was really good chatting and enjoying the food together! After dinner, we walked to a sporting store so I could try on the various Oakley sunglasses (as this is my belated Birthday gift from Liesel and Nathan). I found a good-looking pair, but didn't buy it then. Instead we went to Barnes and Noble so that Nathan could have some one-on-one time with their Thomas the Train table!
Sunday was far more normal than Saturday - and we headed for Church, some shops and then back home for the remainder of the day! And that completes a weekend that will be remembered, especially by Nathan. He has already asked to sleep in the tent on Saturday night and Sunday night........
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