In a way, it's a miracle that there is still life, after all the little bulb has been through. It's no co-incidence that Easter is just around the corner, where we as Christians, celebrate the miracle of life, as Jesus overcame incredible odds, even death and rose again, so we could all experience new life too! It also makes me grateful that I can now celebrate Easter in the Northern Hemisphere, where it coincides with Spring!
As you can tell, the blizzard is history and the weather has been above freezing everyday this week, giving the man-made mountains of snow a chance to melt into man-made hills. Our garden has new shoots sprouting up all over the place as a result of the bulbs that Liesel planted in the fall last year. We still have 3 feet of snow at the bottom of our driveway. But with the weather clearing up, it gave me an opportunity to go and pick up my new TV! I finally found the TV of my dreams at a reasonable price, and brought it home on Thursday. To Liesel, it's just another TV, but to Nathan it's a BIG TV! Appreciation of this awesome piece of technology is obviously a guy thing :P Nathan spent a number of hours absorbing his favorite DVD's. I nearly cried after Liesel and I watched a DVD and I could finally see all the detail that I was meant to see! It was as if the scales had fallen from my eyes, because now I can see the details like the actor's lips moving as they speak. Watching a DVD on the old TV was a very frustrating experience because the letterbox effect of DVD's literally halved the viewing area of the screen. So even though we had a 22" TV, the viewable area was about the size of a letter/A4 piece of paper. So not too much detail could be seen when sitting 2 - 3 meters (6 = 10ft) away, unless you had a telescope handy! But now, I can pack the telescope away as I watch television and DVD's the way we were meant to on our 40" LCD screen :-)
On Saturday, Liesel and Nathan went for a haircut in the morning. That evening, we arranged a babysitter for Nath, so that Liesel and I could go on a long overdue date! We went to a good Italian restaurant where we could enjoy a good meal and some good conversation together! I devoured a succulent pork chop, and Liesel savored a chicken pasta type dish. Finally, on Sunday, I made my early morning trip to church just after 7:30am for our pre-service practice! It only took 1 cup of coffee and I was ready for duty! I really enjoy it and always have a good time playing on the worship team.
This Friday, we are heading up to Liesel's uncle and aunt in Michigan and will be celebrating Easter with them. So until next week, have a great Easter!
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