Norman and Gabi left us on Monday, as they headed back to Botswana in a trip that would last 3 days and a bit. Unfortunately, they took all the unseasonable warm weather that we had with them. Right now we are surrounded by Arctic air, the temperature with the wind chill is reluctantly clinging tp the -25C (-13F) mark. So I am not looking forward to catching the train into work tomorrow :-(

This weekend we put into automatic, and enjoyed going back to the regular weekend patterns. After a lazy start to Saturday, we drove to a store so that I could do some wardrobe shopping. I found some pretty good bargains and got what I needed, and since Nathan was so well behaved, we picked up some Dunkin Donuts for a reward. A chocolate donut in Nathan's hands is always devoured within minutes, with the only evidence of it left on his cheeks, lips, nose and sometimes his eyebrows. Just like his father, he knows how to appreciate the decadent combination of cocoa and sugar!
That evening, our church was hosting a
Songwriter's Showcase. This was for anyone in the church that had written an original song, to come and perform it in a intimate environment. It was held in the Cafe at the church, and we had 9 people partaking. The talent that was displayed was truly phenomenal and inspirational! It was awesome to listen to various styles, instruments, and meaningful lyrics! We also learnt that night, that
Corb, our worship pastor, was asked to compose an orchestral and choral underscore for the exhibit of The Crucifixion, the largest canvas in the world! It was even recorded in the 20th Century Fox Studios and premiered live at the Hall of the Crucifixion-Resurrection on Good Friday of 2006 for the exhibit’s 50th anniversary.
But what really stood out as a true masterpiece that evening, was a fellow worship team members number, entitled "The produce song"! It was hilarious and the ending even included a little veggie dance! Adam, you rock!!! Who knew that a song about wearing 'nana peels on your feet and cauliflowers in your ears would be such a big hit! (I am hoping to get a hold of that song and I will post it on the blog if I do)

On Sunday - I had the week off from playing, so I could sleep in and also accompany my family to Church. After the service, we headed to Home Depot so that I could buy some insulation. With this cold spell, we are finding that cold air is leaking in via the recessed lighting. Sometime we even get ice build up around the lights!

So I thought some insulation and common sense could solve the problem. But alas, I did not buy enough insulation, so I will need some more soon, as we have 3 recessed lights that need warm pink blankets around them! I was also lucky enough to have to go outside to fix some of the siding after the strong winds have battered our house for the past 24 hours. I was dressed in my full winter gear, but unlucky for me, my glasses misted up from the heat of my face, and would not de-mist until I came inside again! The wind was wicked and had no mercy for any body parts that were not covered, as my nose would be able to testify....... But now I am safely in the warm house writing a blog and thinking of ways I can stay warm tomorrow!
You can call around to hardware stores and tool rental stores and find out if they have "temp. guns"
We have one and use it every fall and spring.
What we have: Raytek Laser Temp Gun ST 80 Pro Plus / -32 to + 760C
They have cheaper ones for around $250 + to buy but I think renting will be a better option for you.
I know you all said you enjoy the I'm glad it's you up there and not me!
Janna Kay
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