Being positioned downtown also meant that they had to transfer my gym membership. My company has another gym facility in the tallest building in Cleveland, which is just a couple of blocks away from me! It does seem further away when the temperature is -15C outside!! But I guess the effort is worth it.... The beauty of this gym, is that it is located on the 28th floor of the building and has magnificent views of the Lake Erie waterfront, including the Cleveland Browns Stadium, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Great Lakes Science Center and the Burke Lakefront Airport! Imagine running on a treadmill, and having the awesome sight of a freezing Lake Erie for inspiration! I do enjoy that!

Of course, this course that I am doing is by no means easy or fun, and there are weekly tests scheduled, as well as assignments and home work. Who would have thought that I as a 33 year old, would be having to hand in homework assignments again? Sigh :-(
Besides starting my training this week, I also repainted our master bathroom on Monday (which I mentioned last week). I must say that it looks 100x better, and the color is a lot easier on one's eyes ;-) On Saturday, we started cleaning up our house in anticipation of Liesel's parents who arrive tomorrow. I must admit that I had the easier task of entertaining Nathan, while Liesel did all the manual labor! We also stopped off at the shops to buy some things for the house. I bought some wire shelving which I installed in our utility room, and brought some order to the clutter that existed there. That evening, after putting Nathan down to sleep, Liesel and I lay back and enjoyed Ocean's Thirteen!
On Sunday, I was back in my usual routine and left the house at 7:30am for band practice before church. I played in both services, and it was good to be part of the worship team again! That afternoon we had some more cleaning to do and I put some finishing touches on the master bathroom. We also got our guest bedroom all set up, so that there will be no frantic rushing about tomorrow after Liesel and Nath pick up Opa and Gogo from the airport.
The weather is looking to be warmer for the next few days with the mercury rising well above (realtively speaking) freezing for the first time in weeks! It is due to be about 7C for the next few days, which is almost shorts and T-shirt weather for us (Not quite :-P ) I am sure our beautiful blanket of snow will slowly dissipate :-( Hopefully the temperature will drop and we get some more snow so that Liesel's parents can enjoy the winter wonderland that Cleveland serves up each year, just like we do!
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