The weekend started on Thursday as one of my colleagues invited our team to his condo in Downtown Cleveland. It is a very upmarket building and his place offers spectacular views of the Cleveland Browns football stadium and Lake Erie. He provided some high class food for us including a lobster, mussel, shrimp Paella dish, and goat meat! HMmmmmmm!
Then Friday came along and threw a spanner in my weekend spokes! I had to work an 11 hour day, since my time in the USA for 2007 is quickly creeping upon us, and there is much to be done! Saturday, was just as productive as I managed to cross a number of things from my to-do list! I finalized my Christmas shopping and got some parcels sent. Back home, I pruned bushes and also removed a few, to neaten the garden a bit. Then while it was still light, I climbed on the garage roof and hung some Christmas lights. Later that evening after the sun had set, I went for a walk around the neighborhood to look at all the Christmas lights that my dedicated neighbors had put up. They put me to shame!
Today (Sunday), I attended my last church service on American soil until 2008! After church, I had a couple of things I need to buy for my trip, and then it was back home for lunch. Loads of laundry were calling my name, and I had to deal with that, before heading over to our friends, Brian and Robin, for Football and Pizza! I had a great time there, especially since their house was filled with the sound of young boys (Nathan's friends)! It was good to finally hear the boys having fun. Much better than having a TV on for company! Robin and Brian combined their super-powers and made a delicious homemade Pizza for us to share. Thanks for the fantastic time, guys.
I had to quickly throw on my jacket and race outside as Nathan's slide and picnic table were blown into our neighbors yard, as we get hammered with gale force winds and rain as the next storm front makes its presence known......
On Friday, I leave the USA to be reunited with Liesel and Nathan and my South African family! Please pray that my flights go smoothly and are not affected by any weather. Please also pray that Liesel and Nathan can get their return flights changed to fly on the same day as me, and not have to spend an extra week in Southern Africa. We are planning to phone SAA and beg, plead with them to change their flight, so that we can fly back as a family! If anyone reading this has any contacts in SAA, please let me know, as we are desperate!!
Gabi update: Gabi seems to be getting over the bug that Nathan passed on to her, and is up and about again. She still tires very easily, and needs to rest a lot. She still has a bad cough, which is obviously putting unnecessary strain on her heart. Please continue to pray for her recovery.
The next blog, should be coming to you from South Africa (DV). Until then!
DV comes from the Latin saying : "Deo Volente" which simply means, God-willing :-)