We were so fortunate to be left with a home in near perfect condition. One of our recent purchases was a fancy vacuum cleaner with a dirt sensor built in, that goes from green (clean) to red (filthy). For 80% of the house, the indicator stayed green, with it going to amber on a few occasions!
Nathan of course loves the "Big, big house" as he has access to 4 ceiling fans that he can control himself with a wall switch! There are usually tears flowing when we tell him that we have to leave and return to our apartment, but he does cheer up when we promise him that we will come back tomorrow!
Now that we have a big empty house, the real work lies ahead. After Nathan went to sleep on Saturday night, I went back to the house to drop off a load of his toys, and then did some vacuuming. I went home around 10pm as I needed to wake up early as I was again playing in the worship team at Church and had to be there before most people even wake up, at 7:30am! I am loving being a member of the Providence Worship team. This morning, I had my ear-bud monitors in, and they were connected to a wireless receiver giving me a whole lot of freedom. Does it get any better than this?? Oh yes, I remembered to turn my guitar on for both services this week, so I could be heard by my adoring fan, Liesel.
After church - we headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch, after which, we had to make a few more purchases for the house. Then as Nathan went down for his daily afternoon nap, it was Liesel's turn to go to the house, and she also vacuumed and did some cleaning! When Nathan woke up, his eye's lit up as I told him we were going to find mama at the "Big, big house!" When I got there, I had to change a few light bulbs and clean some hard to reach places, such as the light fitting above our stairway!
The rest of the week will involve a lot more elbow work, as Liesel cleans the kitchen until it reaches the Lippert standard of cleanliness! I need to paint a few rooms where furniture had covered some dirty marks, and plugging holes where nails were once holding pictures. This all needs to be done before Thursday, when I take the day off, rent a truck, and move everything from the apartment that we own, to the house. So signing off for the last time from my apartment in Westlake.... good bye. See you next week from our new house (hopefully the internet connection will be up and running by then).
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