Well, as another weekend passes us by and plummets into history, we enjoyed it while we could! The weather was again near perfect, and we made good use of it. On Saturday morning, Liesel wrapped up her garage sale shopping for 2007 (we hope), and returned with a couple of small items for Nathan. Afterwards, we descended upon the furniture store to place an order for our new leather lounge suite. We also arranged to have it delivered to our new house soon after we take possession :) After putting a significant dent in our credit card, we decided to buy some donuts from Dunkin, which always go down well. Even Nathan has no problem polishing off an entire donut in the 10 minutes it takes to get back home!
No other nationality there really grabbed our interests, so we settled for some Greek food. When we sat down to eat, Nathan wanted to go closer to the festival stage, so that he could watch some traditional Irish dancing! As we were finishing up, we saw Axinja and her boyfriend arrive! After some introductions, and trying unsuccessfully to get Nathan to "impress" them with his vocabulary, we decided to call it a day and headed home. They stayed behind for a boat parade that was scheduled at dusk.
Sunday was a very laid back day for us, with Church in the morning, and Nathan and I hitting a local park in the late afternoon before supper. later that evening, we found out that we won an E-Bay auction for a little Slide and tunnel set for Nathan. Now Nathan's (or any 2 - 3 year old's) dream basement should be complete! Now if only we had the actual basement to store this stuff.................... (Less than 2 months away of living in Nathan's personal toy store, formerly known as our living room!)
I had a very pleasant surprise on Wednesday this week, when Liesel arrived home shortly after me, without Nathan. She had arranged with her good friend to watch him for us that evening, so that we could go and watch a movie and get a real sit down dinner at a local Italian restaurant! It was a real treat, and the food was simply fantastic, almost as good as the company ;) Then on Thursday night, Liesel and Nathan came to watch me play my last volleyball game of the Spring league. It was an early game, and with the sun now setting after 9pm, it was a great opportunity for them to see what I love to do! It was great hearing the little voice at full blast shouting "Go dada - YAY!!!!!" from the sidelines. It certainly raised my spirits, and I could never grow tired of that voice!
And that is how we chose to enjoy life this past week! Remember, that next weekend we will be vacationing in northern Michigan, so I will not have a new posting until at least Wednesday (July 4th) or Thursday (July 5th).
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