This week was a sad one as we had to say goodbye to Liesel's parents on Tuesday, as their 10 day visit had drawn to a close :( We were very blessed to have them share Easter with us, but even more, to have them see our new house first hand! They left with suitcases full of happy memories, and also left their grandson with more self-confidence! During their visit to the local playground, Nathan graduated from the 3 ft high slides, to the largest slide in the park! It must be about 10 ft tall, and this has now become his number one passion at the playground, even more so than his former favorite, the swing! Now Nathan runs with reckless abandon to the top slide and turns onto his stomach and slides down feet first shouting "Wheeeee!"
Other news this week, was that Liesel and I went to sign the papers for our house on Monday evening, and I arranged the mortgage on Tuesday! There is something really satisfying when you look at your dream house on the Internet and the words "In Contract" are stamped across the images (and knowing that you are the reason for those words)! Now we just have to wait 4 more months until we can move in........ sigh :(
On Saturday, instead of looking at houses, I was sitting in a lecture at Cleveland State University! My company has paid for me to attend a computer programming course scheduled for 3 Saturdays. Fortunately I have been given Monday's off. This Monday I am having our house inspected. The home inspector said that he should take 3 hours and I am looking forward to seeing the home again! Home inspections are required to ensure that there is nothing serious wrong with the house you are buying, and if there is, the seller will need to fix whatever is found - before we move in! That's all my news for this week, however, I keep checking back as I may update the blog with new photos and let you all know how the home inspection went!
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