It begins on Tuesday, when we had some of the highest snowfall in Cleveland this season! My colleague and I had a meeting scheduled in downtown Cleveland that we had to be at. I volunteered to take my CR-V jokingly, however, my colleague, knowing full well that I am from sunny South Africa, and never driven in the fluffy white precipitation before. He thought it would be a valuable learning experience for me! I got slightly worried, when while I was dusting snow off my car, I noticed my colleague packing up laughing on the passenger seat! When I asked him what was so amusing, he replied, "I can't believe that you are actually going to drive in this!" So EEEEEEEEK!!! I got onto the highway and even at speeds of 30mph, I could feel the back of the car sliding out again and again. My car's Vehicle Stability Assist was working overtime, and continuously correcting the vehicle, bringing it back in a straight line. The trip that normally takes us no longer than 15 minutes to complete, took more than double that! The good news is, my colleague and I survived to tell the story. Now I know what an ice hockey puck feels like!
The rest of the week, Nathan has been battling a cold and cough and in a true loving spirit, decided to share it with his mom, who in turn, shared it with her husband!! So Liesel got hit with the full force of the germ warfare this weekend, and spent most of the time indoors and in bed! So I went househunting alone on Saturday. The agent showed me two houses for the same price. One was really nice, and I wouldn't mind calling that home. However, Liesel will need to go see it first, and we still have a number of other houses on our shortlist that merit a visit!
Another reason to stay indoors this weekend, was that on occasion, the temperature outside dropped to -14C! The ponds in the area are mostly frozen solid, and its quite a sight to behold! Even now as I type this, freezing rain is coming down outside, and covering the cars in a layer of ice! Should make for more hockey puck driving tomorrow morning!
P.S. Alexeii, thanks for the comment. This is one thing I love about the USA, I have true high speed internet. I get UNLIMITED data, on a 4MB/s line for around $45 per month ;-) Jammer as ek jou jaloers maak!
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