It seems after the 2 posts from earlier this week, that our weekend feels rather like an anti-climax :( On Saturday morning, with the temperature hovering around the -2C mark, we drove to the mall for Nathan to get his playtime in, and Liesel to find some bargains! It was mind-boggling to see snow still lying undisturbed on sections of roofs, and sheltered corners of gardens! The boggling of one's mind begins when you fathom that 36 hours had passed, yet the temperature hasn't been obliging to allow the snow to gently disintegrate back to it's origin...... and we are still in the Fall season!!!
After the mall excursion, we again trusted in our faithful Satellite Navigator as it directed us to a home for sale in Westlake that we found on the internet. From the street the house looked "nice", but didn't grab us. We know all about books and their covers, but luckily for us, we still have a couple of months to locate our dream house! So we still have a few more "covers" to inspect, before we will have the urge to delve into the pages of the "book". Speaking about books, that afternoon we went to the library. I went with to be Nath's chaperone, while Liesel had the freedom to browse, and take her time looking for books, videos and DVD's for her and Nathan! That is a luxury a stay at home mom doesn't get to experience regularly!
Sunday was the same as most Sundays, with Church in the morning, and our FLOCKS group in the evening.

Because the temperature in Celsius was in double digits, I took Nathan out to the playground to enjoy the fantastic (sic) weather, while we can! And there you have it, another exciting episode of the McCarthy's in Westlake! Stayed tuned as we begin the countdown until my mom lands on US soil! Until next week, CIAO!
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