Since last week, Nathan hasn't improved and has actually gotten worse :-( On Saturday, Liesel and I noticed that Nathan wasn't his normal happy self. He was a lot more lethargic than normal. Also, since the weather was overcast and drizzly, we decided to keep Nathan indoors. I took Nathan to the Westlake Library, where he could play with puzzles, trains and build towers with cardboard building blocks. We spent about 30 - 40 minutes there before heading home. At home, he started developing a fever and was becoming very irritable. We dosed him with some medicine to try and help and put him down for a nap. By supper time, he was still running a temperature, and so we gave him a luke warm bath and that seemed to help a bit. We put him to bed shortly afterwards. On Sunday he woke up without a temperature, ate most of his breakfast, and seemed to be on the mend. So we went to church in two separate cars so that Liesel could bring him back home right after the adult Bible Study class. Back at home, he seemed to deteriorate again and by mid afternoon was running a fever again. Again we gave him a lukewarm bath and medicine which seemed to help. Right now he is asleep but I can still here him coughing every now and then! Tomorrow Liesel is taking him to the pediatrician. Please pray for him that he recovers from whatever he has.

On the brighter side, the weather today was wonderful. During Liesel's and Nathan's afternoon nap, I got to wash my car. The weather forecasters say that today is the "last gasp" of summer. A cold front hits this week and our maximum temps will be falling to around 15C. On the left is a photo of the sun setting behind the apartments.
More good news is that our 7 trunks, weighing in at 204kg, have traveled halfway across the world and should be waiting at the airport for me tomorrow. I am quite excited, not at getting our old stuff again, but more so to see what my friends and family have put in the trunks for us! Liesel is looking forward to the Nescafe Classic coffee, to enjoy with her new kettle! Hopefully everything in those trunks is deemed to be legal so there won't be any issues with the customs officials!!! I can't wait to open my Birthday presents from family and friends!!!!
Sorry about the shorter, boring blog, but with a sick child, you don't get to do much!
Now to let you in on a secret..... below is a photo of why I actually emigrated to the USA ;-) Hopefully I will have a more interesting blog with better news next weekend!
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