You know you are going to have a good weekend when you win a prize from the local Radio station on Friday. Now don't get all excited, its not anything big and exciting like a car, but I did win a $50 gift voucher for a Salon and spa in Cleveland! This was from my Christian radio station that I always listen too. They had a competition where if you knew the answer, you e-mail it in! It is a lovely feeling when you hear: "And the winner is... Grant Mccarthy who is listening over in Key Bank" - WOOHOO - now why could I never win any of the BIG 94.7 Highveld competitions in SA??? Oh well, Liesel now can get a fancy haircut on me ;-)

The weather cooled down this weekend with temperatures around 15C, but at least the sun was shining, so it was perfect weather to go exploring! We headed to the lake and drove along the lake towards Cleveland. We stumbled upon some breathtaking views, magnificent houses, and extraordinary parklands! We stopped at one park for Nathan to go on the swings and slides, but as we walked around, we were disappointed by the millions of mosquitoes that were flying around. And true to the "Everything is bigger" saying, these mosquitoes were nothing like the whiny little mosquitoes that SA produces. These things were like mini dragonflies - and they were everywhere. Even climbing into the car let about 5 of these bugs on steroids inside, and there a mini-civil war erupted to get rid of these critters! Later on that afternoon I took Nathan to a park closer to home, where there were far less mosquitoes (probably because its further inland). Nathan has taken to sand pits. Liesel has bought him a little cart with some sand tools in it which has become his favorite occupation. He is also getting braver by the day and has started climbing to the top of 2m high slides, which prompts either Liesel or myself to follow him, and then of course slide down with him to bring him back down to mother earth!
On Sunday we went to Church and we are enjoying the current series the pastor is doing! Nathan was fine without Liesel, in the nursery! After church - we decided to drive around the neighboring town to see what it had to offer! The answer - not much! After his nap, Nath and I then went to best buy to buy a Hi-speed modem for ourselves. You see, we have been "piggybacking" off someone's unsecured wireless internet in the apartment complex. Last night, this "charitable" connection suddenly disappeared, and we were lefted stranded!!! I waited to see if the connection would return the following day, but alas, she was gone for good :-( With the Internet being Liesel's only connection to the real world and her communication medium to other humans, I felt that it would be time to bite the bullet and get our own Hi-speed Internet. Besides, I did get my first salary paycheck on Saturday :-D. So now I am typing this to you whilst on our own 4mb/s internet connection. Not too shabby Nige!
Keep well, and keep checking back on my sight to see if there are any updates. I will add them as soon as something exciting happens in our life.
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