Sunday, May 22, 2011

Post-Apocalypse gratefulness

In lieu of being "left behind"; I thought it would be highly appropiate to use this "borrowed" time to reflect on several things the McCarthy household is eternally grateful for. So instead of the standard blog,  I present you with my list......

We are grateful for (in no particular order):
  1. Liesel, who dedicates all her time to raise our wonderful two sons. Besides that, she also takes cares of our nutritional needs, and keeps our home running smoothly!
  2. The summer weather that we have been longing for since October.
  3. Air-conditioning for #2 above.
  4. Volleyball leagues (indoor and sand) 
  5. The huge variety of ice cream flavors (especially because of #2)
  6. The Samsung Galaxy Tab that Google gave me. This blog is being typed on it!
  7. That my mom is coming to visit us for the Summer vacation!
  8. That our 3 month old nephew and niece in the UK are doing well 
  9. Nathan's leg cast is being removed tomorrow
  10. High speed Internet
  11. Being able to work from home for 3 weeks which really helped us save on gas (petrol) bills!
  12. Friends 
  13. Skype
  14. Our first official summer vacation at the beach in less than 5 weeks!!! (see #7) 
  15. Spending time outdoors (again, related to #2)
  16. Going for family bike rides
  17. Fishing
  18. Liesel's home made Creme Brulee
  19. Apple computers
  20. eBay (and worry-free, reliable shipping)
  21. That we found imported Aero chocolates at our local grocery store!
There you have it! Twenty things we enjoy and are looking forward to :-) I leave you with some photos of the boys enjoying #5 outside today!

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