Sunday, August 03, 2008

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I am happy to announce that another action-packed weekend has been successfully navigated by the McCarthy's! It all started on Friday afternoon - when I left work early as Liesel was due to have her second ultrasound. We planned on taking Nathan with us to show him what his sibling looked like at this stage. Nathan was pretty excited when the baby "high fived" him and waved at him. To him, the concept of becoming a big brother seems to be slowly sinking in. Praise God that the baby is looking healthy and everything is proceeding according to plan.

After we got home from the "baby doctor" I put on a sprinkler to try and alleviate the lawn's thirst. It has been weeks now since we last had a decent shower - and the grass is slowly turning brown. But what is nourishment for the grass, is entertainment for Nathan. He was soon soaking wet from running through the sprinkler. In fact - he went inside and put on his raincoat - hood and all - so that he could spend more time outside with the sprinkler!

Liesel is still in her "nesting" phase and that meant another trip to Home Depot for Nathan and myself on Saturday to get some more supplies to fix up the few places that need some TLC before the baby arrives. The rest of the day I was kept busy with those DIY chores - before I headed off to our church's semi-annual Songwriter's Showcase. This is where fellow worship team members perform their own compositions in a relaxed, cafe-like environment! The talent that my fellow musicians have truly amazes me each time! The funniest performance of the night belonged to Mike McCormack who sang "Worship Team Rock Star". In the song, he mentions most of the worship team members by name, including the line "wanna learn to talk with Grant McCarthy's accent". It brought the house down! Below is the video of Mike performing!
Here are some of the worship team member's names to listen out for:
Corb Felgenhour - Worship Team Leader
Mike Hricko - drums
Kyle Nickel - drums
Mike Flynn - drums
Andy Sorenson - piano
Ron Bosley - guitar
Tammy Bosley - piano
Eddie Deeb - electric guitar
Jim Messenheimer - bass
Jim Hagen - guitar

Other pieces that night included some beautiful piano ballads by Tammy, Elisa and Charlene, specatcular guitar rhythms by Ron, James, Al, Mike and Adam. Adam sang a song inspired by his unborn child of 8 weeks (and in so doing so announced his wife's pregnancy) - which brought tears to many eyes! Finally it was Ian Shire and his band that took the stage with guitar, drums and electric guitar. His songs were melodic masterpieces and the words so meaningful and true! It was an awesome way to bring an amzing evening to a close!

Sunday arrived - and since its my week off we had a leisurely morning and went to the 10:50am Church service. Afterwards it was home for lunch and some more painting. That evening -our friends Ron and Tammy Bosley came over for dinner. Liesel had invited them for my birthday. Don't panic - as you have not missed my birthday yet. It is only next weekend - but since we will be out of town visiting Liesel's family in Detroit - she wanted to have something special for me with some friends. It was a an evening filled with laughter, great food, fellowship and some compulsory Wii gaming!

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