Thanksgiving is one of Liesel's and my favorite holidays here in the USA! It's a time for us to reflect back on the past year and appreciate God's faithfulness, and providence that He has lavished upon us. It's also a perfect opportunity for some quality time with the family, since I had the Thursday, Friday and weekend off.
For our Thanksgiving, we were invited to some friends who are originally from Texas. Since neither our friends, nor us, have family nearby to celebrate with, it was a great idea for our families to celebrate together! Nathan loved playing with Max, Owen and Sam (their three boys) while Josh entertained himself with books and cars on the carpet. Soon it was time for the Thanksgiving meal, and it was without a shadow of a doubt, the best Thanksgiving meal we have ever had! Our Texan friends, thankfully, do not follow the Thanksgiving tradition of preparing a huge turkey. Instead, we feasted on delicious steaks that were grilled to perfection by Jeremy! Restaurants should come to him to learn the art of perfecting the steak! The meat was so tender that it hardly needed a knife to cut it. Absolutely divine!! After the second helping of steak, dessert was readied in the kitchen. This consisted of Banana Cream pie, Pumpkin pie and chocolate brownies! This was a Thanksgiving of Note!
On Friday, we were awakened to a thin layer of snow covering our yard. This was our first snowfall of the season, and a gentle reminder of what we will be used to seeing within a few weeks! Unlike last year, I did not venture out to the stores before the sun rose, to take advantage of the store's Black Friday sales.... and spent most of the time at home. Later that day I did head out to get some more LED Christmas lights to decorate our house, and found that most of the crowds of bargain hunters had dissipated. That evening was Family Fun Night, and Nathan's choice was to play some board games, which is always a great family bonding activity!
By the time Saturday rolled around, the snow had melted and was long forgotten, as the sun shone brightly in the blue northeast Ohio sky! Liesel went out for breakfast with a friend and enjoyed some rare quality shopping time. I had the boys all to myself and kept them entertained for a few hours. Once Liesel returned home, I took my mower for its last spin around the yard, mainly to pick up the leaves that were covering the grass. Once that task was done, I moved the mower to the back of the garage, and parked my snow thrower in the premium spot that the mower occupied during the last 3 seasons! Inside, Nathan and I put up our Christmas tree, and started the process of decorating it! Once it was erected, and the lights tested, I headed up onto our roof to finish hanging the lights. It is quite a nerve-wracking experience hanging lights at the extreme edges of the roof, but at least the weather was dry and warm this time!
Another gorgeous day greeted us on Sunday, and we headed to the early church service. Later that afternoon, we headed out to Crocker Park to get some hot chocolate and walk around in the unseasonal weather. Nathan got to play with the train set at Barnes and Noble, and we got to see all the beautiful Christmas decorations, including the giant Christmas tree in the center. Can't believe December is a couple of days away!!!!
Finally, I want to wish my nephew a happy 7th Birthday today! I hope you have a great day Caleb!