As Monday was a holiday, Nathan and I got to spend some quality time outside in the fresh snow that had fallen. He showed me how to make a snow angel, and I am happy to report that at the age of 34, I made my first ever snow-angel in the 15 inches of frozen fun! I can honestly say that it is not as easy as the kids make it out to be....
Afterwards, we tried our best to make a snowman, but unfortunately the snow did not co-operate :( It was very fluffy, and did not want to stick together, so our snow man looked more like a snow heap with a carrot nose.
Not much more snow fell during the week and on Thursday and Friday, the mercury ventured into unfamiliar territory, above freezing! This was a nice reprieve from the icy grip that we had been subjected to. On Saturday, Liesel and Nathan headed to the local library for some quality time together. Right after lunch, I took Nathan for some more sledding. The regular sledding spot was deserted, which I thought was unusual, but I welcomed the solitude! It was not until I made my way half way up the hill, that I realized why there was no-one else there! This was because the snow covered hill had been transformed into one huge ice block! Obviously with the warmer weather we had, the surface of the compacted snow melted and then froze again shortly afterward when the temperature plummeted! The fact that we were now climbing up a glacier didn't deter us, and we still had heaps of fun! I think the hardened, slicker surface contributed to much faster and farther rides. Nathan even went for his first ever solo flight downhill! We also experimented with a few variations of sledding, and one of Nathan's favorite one's was to sled backwards down the hill! See the video below of our adventure!
That evening, we had one of Liesel's friends over for dinner, along with her three sons who kept Nathan entertained. She is a barrel of laughs and we had a great time together.
On Sunday morning, I finished assembling Joshua's crib, that our good friends the Talmages had lent to us. The nursery is now complete with Joshua's crib set up, along with the sports-themed bedding set! Josh seems to be more relaxed and less fussy, after we put him onto another formula. Hopefully, it will agree with his digestive system....... and then he can sleep soundly through the night!! Well, that's what his parents are hoping for :)