On Saturday, we hit the furniture stores again, looking for a new dining room and bedroom suites. We were unsuccessful this time, and couldn't find what we were looking for in at least 4 of the stores we explored. We reluctantly gave up the quest for Nathan's sake and headed home for lunch. After Nathan's traditional nap, we headed for the pool! We will really miss the use of a swimming pool next summer, when we are in our own place. After the refreshing dip, we headed out for a Mexican dinner. That always goes down well, and even Nathan enjoyed his quesadilla. On our way home we made a stop at the Sears next door to us, and found a Whirlpool washer and dryer at a very reasonable price.

So our only purchase for the house that day was the washer and dryer - not as successful as we'd hoped we would be! As we walked into the door, our friends, called us and invited us out for some ice cream. Since it was still about 28C (82F) at 7pm, we climbed back into our car and went to have ice cream to finish off the day. That evening I watched Blood Diamond on DVD, and I must say that I enjoyed hearing the South African accents again (good job Leonardo Di Caprio!), and loved the couple of sentences of Afrikaans in the movie!! I wished I could have watched this with an American, so I could feel all important and translate those sentences for them :P
On Sunday, we went to church. When we got home, it was pretty darn hot and humid, so Nathan and I made our 2nd visit to the pool this weekend! After working up an appetite in the pool, we came home and had lunch. Later that afternoon, we dropped Nathan off at a friend's house, so we could go look at one more furniture warehouse. Alas, nothing there caught our interest either, so again we left empty handed. The search continues!
We will have the keys to our home in 3 weeks and counting! The excitement is starting to build.........